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Prevention And Safe Handling Of A Tire Blowout

2022-10-17T13:57:26+00:00November 29th, 2022|Car Safety, Vehicle Safety|

A tire “blowout” may cause you to lose control, leading to damage to your vehicle and possibly jeopardizing you or your family. If a tire is underinflated, excessive flexing takes place in the sidewalls, causing them to become hot. This can lead to a blowout or tread separation, especially during summer if the vehicle is driven at a high speed on paved roads. If you inflate your tires until "they look right," chances are they're overinflated. Use a tire gauge and check the tire inflation decal on the door jamb for correct pressure. Too much air in a tire increases [...]

Choosing The Right Car Seat For Your Child

2022-10-15T19:21:15+00:00November 22nd, 2022|Car Safety|

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, car crashes are the number one killer of children 1 to 12 years old in the United States. At Davis Body Shop, you and your family's car safety is our concern and commitment. This concern includes the best way to protect your children in the car. It is important to put them in the right seat, at the right time, and use it the right way. There are so many car seat types and models, how do you know which one is right for your child? The right car seat or booster fits your child [...]

Post-Accident Child Safety Seat Information

2022-10-17T14:33:25+00:00November 15th, 2022|Car Safety, Car seat safety, post-accident|

Two weeks ago we provided you with information on how to purchase an appropriate car safety seat for your children. Now, we are taking it one step further and including critical information on what to do in the unfortunate but common event of an accident with a car seat in the vehicle (whether occupied or not at the time of the accident). Fortunately, there are excellent federal guidelines to help you make an informed and optimum decision. We are pleased to report that with the constant research and improvement in the quality of today’s seats, recommendations were recently reassessed and [...]

How To Handle Getting Pulled Over By The Police

2022-10-17T14:35:54+00:00November 1st, 2022|Car Safety|

Getting pulled over by the police is something that’s likely to happen to everyone at some point in time. Perhaps your taillight is out, your registration is expired or you were speeding. Whatever the reason, seeing those red and blue lights in your rearview mirror can cause panic and anxiety. Though getting pulled over is never fun, there are some actions you can take to make sure your encounter with the law enforcement goes as smoothly as possible. Plan ahead: Keep necessary paperwork in vehicle Be sure you always have your driver’s license on you when operating a vehicle. You [...]

The Science Of Speed

2022-10-15T19:25:51+00:00September 27th, 2022|Car Safety, Davis Body Shop, Vehicle Safety|

The roar of the engines ... the squeal of the tires ... and the race to victory lane. It all says, NASCAR! A race car is much more than steel, gas, rubber and speed. A race car is a science experiment on wheels. Scientists working with NASCAR learn a great deal that can assist in making our own cars more efficient and safe. The National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored The Science of Speed, an online video series that uses professional car racing to teach basic principles of science and engineering. This series teaches how science and engineering make cars powerful, [...]

Safety Tips For A Successful Road Trip

2022-10-15T19:27:37+00:00August 30th, 2022|Car Safety, Road Trip|

Right now is a fantastic time to get out and enjoy the warm weather and scenic views with a road trip - even if only for a day or two. Here are some safety tips for your next adventure: Vehicle: Regardless of what type of vehicle you'll be taking, there are some checks you should make before you hit the road. Make sure that your tires are properly inflated, brakes are fitted and that you have a full tank of gas. Also keep current copies of all essential paperwork (registration, proof of insurance, etc.) in your glove box. Planning the route: [...]

Fire Season And Your Car: Fire Prevention Tips

2022-10-15T19:28:07+00:00August 16th, 2022|Car Safety|

With the summer fire season well underway, and the Santa Ana fire season beginning in October, it's important to know how to keep your vehicle safe from catching fire, and also how to prevent your car from being the cause of another wildfire. Preventing Your Car From Catching Fire The most common causes of a vehicle fire are mechanic and electrical issues. A car accident can also cause a car to catch fire. It is important to stay alert; if you ever smell burning rubber or plastic, or notice smoke or flames, take action immediately. If your car catches fire, [...]

How Crash Ratings Affect Insurance Rates

2022-10-17T14:38:21+00:00July 26th, 2022|car purchasing, Car Safety, Collision Repair, Davis Body Shop, Insurance, New car purchase, safety tips, Vehicle Safety|

Buying a safe car can not only help save your life in the event of an accident, but it can also lead to savings on your car insurance premium. Insurers value safe vehicles because they keep occupants safer and keep claim costs low. Also, drivers of safe vehicles are thought to be more likely to drive responsibly. For these reasons, driving a safe car will translate into a lower car insurance premium. From your insurer's perspective, the rationale's pretty clear: the better your car performs in crash tests and the more safety features it has, the safer you'll be on the [...]

Old Age And Driving: Is It Safe For Mom & Dad To Drive?

2022-10-15T20:10:51+00:00July 19th, 2022|Car Safety, Davis Body Shop, safety tips, Vehicle Safety|

When it comes to our family & loved ones their safety is our primary concern. It's normal for parents driving abilities to change as they age. By reducing risk factors and incorporating safe driving practices, many can continue driving safely long into their senior years. But we do have to pay attention to warning signs that old age is interfering with driving safety and make appropriate adjustments. At some point it will probably be necessary to seek alternative methods of transportation. How Does Age Affect Driving? Everyone ages differently, so there is no arbitrary cutoff as to when someone should [...]

Keeping Your Family Safe While Driving

2022-10-17T13:52:39+00:00July 12th, 2022|Car Safety|

Keeping your family safe in the car is one of the most important responsibilities of a parent, and finding the right car for your growing family can be overwhelming. If you're making a car purchase as a parent or just want to make your current vehicle safer, you may want to keep in mind the following child and family car safety tips: Check crash test ratings of any vehicle you consider. Remember that reliability matters as much as crash safety. Maximize space and fuel economy. Invest in family-friendly car features for children. Test before you buy. Note: For a more [...]

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