It is important to always stay keenly aware of your surroundings when driving.  Every day, we share the road with any number of vehicles and their drivers, including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, buses and pedestrians.  Here are a few tips on sharing the road to keep you, your loved-ones and others safe:

PEDESTRIANS – Always be aware of pedestrians. Pedestrians include people:

  • Walking.
  • Using wheelchairs (including registered motorized wheelchairs).
  • On roller-blades, skateboards, roller-skates and other wheeled recreation vehicles.

BICYCLES: The vast majority of complaints from bicyclists center on either motorists failing to give them right of way, or on motorists breaking vehicle code law.

  • Inattention. Motorists endanger bicyclists often by not being aware.
  • Passing. One of the more common problems encountered by bicyclists is motorists passing cyclists unsafely.
  • Turning. Motorists frequently fail to yield the right of way in turning situations.

TRUCKS & BUSES: When driving on the highway you are at a serious disadvantage if involved in a crash with a larger vehicle

  • Cutting in front can cut your life short. If you cut in front of another vehicle, you may create an emergency-braking situation for the vehicles around you, especially in heavy traffic. Trucks and buses take much longer to stop in comparison to cars.
  • Watch your blind spots – the “no-zones”. Don’t hang out in the No-Zones, and remember, if you can’t see the truck driver in the truck’s mirror, the driver can’t see you.
  • Avoid squeeze play. Be careful of trucks & buses making wide right turns.

MOTORCYCLES: When driving in traffic with motorcycles, there are multiple considerations drivers should make.

  • Use only your half of the road. Allow the motorcycle a full lane of space and do not infringe upon his lane.
  • Pay attention. Motorcycles are more difficult to see on the roadways.  Be especially cautious at night as a motorcycle, with its one headlight, is harder to see compared to cars with two headlights.
  • Follow with plenty of room to spare. Allow for extra space between you and a motorcycle. Motorcycles are capable of stopping much faster than a car or other heavier vehicles.


We hope you enjoyed this post. If there is anything else we can do to help you feel free to call us at (805) 466-2446 (Atascadero) or (805) 239-8752 (Paso Robles). And be sure to stay connected with us on Facebook as well!